An Agile methodology, scrum, is rapidly gaining in popularity across the IT world. This is because the methodology is understandable and easy to implement. Then again, Scrum Alliance strives to popularize the methodology by offering several certificates, which aid in boosting career growth.
It does not matter in which geographical location the IT professional resides. Several training institutions reach out to all corners of the world. One such is Simplilearn. Its highly qualified professionals share knowledge with students via self-paced or blended learning. The company’s latest offering is the Scrum Certification. If you are interested enough to know more, peruse.
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Table of Contents
Scrum Product Backlog
A scrum certification course covers many topics. One of them is vital to the retrospective/sprint meeting. It is the scrum product backlog. The term product suffices to convey that the scrum product owner is in charge of it. However, the scrum team, scrum master, and other stakeholders make their contributions towards it, too.
However, what exactly is a scrum product backlog?
The conventional method depended upon requirement artifacts. Artifacts refer to the creation of diagrams, storyboards, etc., to meet these requirements. The modern IT world has replaced it with something akin to, but not exactly, a things-to-do list. The backlog focuses on tasks that team members must take up, resources to use, etc. The scrum product owner talks about the top entries at the sprint/retrospective planning meeting. The ensuing discussion concentrates on what action plans the team can complete before the next meeting.
Now, even sidelined traditional methods offer some value to newer ones. In this case, scrum team members may bring diverse artifacts into play. For instance, storyboards are still useful. Apart from this, the team may experiment with user interface prototypes, provide user interface guidelines, create summaries of diverse user roles, describe the workflow, etc. These artifacts suffice to substantiate theoretical content.
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Diverse Aspects of the Scrum Product Backlog
As mentioned earlier, the scrum product backlog is not a normal things-to-do list. Instead, it displays unusual properties.
Making Value-Adding Entries
Any entry that will award some value to the customer finds a pride of place in the scrum product backlog. To illustrate, the entry may suggest taking note of customers’ needs. The team regards anything that does not add value, as waste. Similarly, the backlog may outline the work that the team must undertake to launch a product or use technical options for better bonding with customers. Sometimes, there are descriptions of both non-functional and functional requisites on hand too. Defects require rectifications, creating healthy work environments, etc., may find a place in the backlog also. It does not matter whether the tasks add direct/indirect value. It is enough if they enhance quality and reduce errors/incidents.
Ordering the Backlog
Once the entries are complete, the scrum product owner and his/her team prioritize them. They give utmost importance to benefits, risks, and costs. The next step is to order the scrum product backlog.
Outlining Requirements
Not all requirements merit the same importance. For instance, some of them will gain more attention during the next retrospective/sprint than the others do. The backlog will describe them in detail. The remaining requisites will have to be satisfied with sketchy descriptions. The reason is that the team wishes to avoid wastage of time and effort. The not-so-important requirements may undergo modifications before implementation. Then, the originals will have no place in the project.
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Estimating the Entries
Every entry in the scrum product backlog must undergo estimation in alignment with its agreed definition. An illustration of a definition is story points. Estimations help in prioritizing entries, as well as planning releases.
Treating it as a Living Document
There is no restriction on keeping the backlog the same throughout the project. It can change. For instance, there could be modifications to existing requirements. Similarly, new requirements may make an appearance. Sometimes, entries may receive greater detailing. Then again, some requirements/entries may undergo deletion. Thus, there is no ‘freezing’ in place! Instead, the scrum team finalizes a set of requirements along with its resulting software. This permits the minimization of effort involved in the development and maximization of customer comfort.
Deciding that Every Task is Important
The final definition of the requirements takes place during the retrospective/sprint meeting. Here, discussions focus on the customer too. It is the scrum team’s responsibility to breakdown each requirement. It must also ensure appropriate distribution.

Attending to the Backlog
It is imperative to offer regular attention and care to the scrum product backlog. Initially, the entries comprise of everything that the scrum product owner and his/her team can think of easily. This suffices for the first retrospective/sprint meeting. After this, as more entries step in, the other steps (as described earlier) follow.
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Agile Scrum Master Certification
When you opt for this course, you gain knowledge about Agile’s best practices. You also learn all about the finer nuances of scrum methodology. As a result, you will be able to develop, as well as deliver high-quality outcomes to your clients/customers.
There are actually no restrictions on anyone desiring to apply for this certification. All you have to do is to be an IT professional who would like to own this particular certificate. However, if you were a project manager or team leader, it would prove more beneficial for you. Similarly, it would be great for entire teams planning to transition to scrum. Other eligible applicants include members already belonging to scrum teams, albeit taking up different roles. To illustrate, they could be masters, managers, developers, or product owners.
Examination and Certification
Once you finish training, you will have to prepare yourself for the final exam. It lasts for 60 minutes, wherein you have to answer 50 multiple-choice questions. The pass percentage is 75%. Therefore, you must get at least 37 or more answers correct.
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If you pass, apply for a license agreement with Scrum Alliance. After approval, you may complete your membership profile on their website. Over time, you may acquire advanced certifications too.