
How To Treat Your Dry Skin When Nothing Works!

How To Treat Your Dry Skin

During this season, a lot of us living in colder areas where climate too much cool, it’s pleasant to set in the front of the fireplace with good your love once to enjoy the weather. But remember that your skin may not like this that can bear the extra heat and warm air. While the temperatures drop and go to cold, it ultimate effect on your skin. Your skin experiences a change from being hydrated during the summer season to becoming itchy and dry. Summer season is full of the hydrated season, it keeps skin fresh and moisturized. As well as we also get nourishing minerals in vitamin D from sunlight. Another hand, during the winter season – we prefer to stay indoor which tend more skin challenges. As skin is one of the most important and largest organs, it is vital to take care of it. In this article, we are describing few anti-aging and skin care tips that can help prevent dry skin in this winter season.

How To Treat Your Dry Skin

how to treat your dry skin

Time & Rules Of Bath

You should avoid taking hot baths and showers. Health specialists say that hot water is not good for dry skin because it decreases the lipid barriers in the skin, which ultimate minimize miniaturization of the skin. If you have dry skin, then you must take shorter showers using normal warm water it should not be too much hot.

After Shower Care

While you have took showered, you need to avoid rubbing yourself with a towel to dry, as it helps to moisturize your skin and keep your skin soft and fresh and as well help you cut the risk of skin itching and dryness.  While you have showered, ensure that you moisturize your body properly! Few people think that moisture produces oil on the skin, so it is wrong thinking, as Lotion doesn’t moisture to your skin, it only helps your skin to retain the water effectively already present in it. So after the shower, it is the best time for moisturizer!  Remember that moisturize the skin is completely different in winter season then you moisturize in the summer months. As during summer season you don’t have need moisturize after every bath. However, it is vital to moisturize your skin after showering or washing your face or hands, so you can apply oil-based moisturizer as it retains oil already present in your skin. There are few Best Moisture Recipes:

  • Ensure that the moisturizing lotion that you are using has dry skin friendly materials such as dimethicone, Hyaluronic acid, mineral oil, as well as petroleum jelly, these are all claimed to be skin-friendly ingredients.
  • You can use cream and an ointment. Both are very useful and more effective for dry skin. While you are selecting an ointment or a cream, make sure that they contain oil such as olive oil or jojoba oil, or one with shea butter.

Anti-Aging Serum

Against Aging products are good for the dry skin. If you are buying anti-aging serum then before selecting the one you should ensure that they are free of retinoid or AHAs, as these elements are thought to be exceptionally irritating for the dry skin.


Clean or scrub your skin with the right product at least no less than two times per week, However, if you have sensitive skin then it is enough once a week. But it is necessary to get off the dead skin off on your face. Nonetheless, ensure before buying that the products would suit your dry skin along with confirming that the product is of high quality. Keep in mind, always use a light exfoliating scrub to remove the dead skin cells and expose newer healthier-looking skin. Avoid the over exfoliate.

Try Fish Oil Pills

To nourish and care the skin completely, taking fresh and healthy supplements is vital. Professionals say that fish oil pills work best when taken internally. Studies also show fish oils, for example, Cod liver oil aid in relieving the dry skin as it contains omega 3 acids.

Don’t Forget Your Lips

Lips are the most prominent part of the body, so apply a lip balm to nourish your lips. Even you can make a healthy lip scrub in the home with sugar and lemon as both are having great qualities. You can apply good heavy duty lip balm after every few hours! Make sure you protect your lips from cold winter winds, dust, and pollution.

Final Thought!

Yes, of course, if you feel everything still have extremely dry in the skin and you find following tips aren’t helping to relieve your dry skin, then it will better to consult with a dermatologist.  Keep in mind Regular skin care will help you get shiny, soft skin. As well as to reduce the risk of wrinkle, you can also buy anti-aging serum. To buy best quality anti-aging serum to can visit AYUNI ORGANIC.




Hi, I’m Prabhakar. I am a fan of technology, education, and entrepreneurship. I’m also interested in reading and digital marketing. I have 5+ years of experience in digital marketing.

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