The result can be good or bad, depending upon the process that leads it to. The CBSE 12th result 2019 may declare on 26th May and it is expected to see a drop in passing percentage as analyzed from the last few year trends.
Every examination from life or education is been monitored by the result. Hence, the results are important events in life. We must have heard people saying to keep on doing the hard work and don’t bother about the result but in reality, the results are scarier for most of the students than the exams.
But if you have given your best in examination then, you should not be worried as now the ball is not in your court. But you should analyze your results and learn from it, to keep yourself growing and making necessary changes that will pave you to lead a successful life.
In the same context, we have tried to analyze the CBSE 12th result 2019 by understanding its importance and what has been the statistics of the previous result, so that we can determine our future course of action, that will be a milestone for our professional career.
But students need not worry with the figure as these are just the number, whereas the education and learning you got through the curriculum are what will make the actual difference.
Listed below are the cut-off rates to become eligible for professional courses offered by recognized institutes. This is the main reason why the 12th result holds so much importance in anyone’s career, it is gate pass to open the door of your professional life.
The science students target BITSAT where eligibility criteria are to score more than 75% in aggregate of Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics marks, and score more than 60% in an individual subject. The toppers get offers from the BITS Pilani school for direct admissions.
For commerce students targeting for good colleges like SRCC or any other reputed universities, the cut off rate is mainly between 85%-95%, whereas student can enroll for CA course by just passing the 12th std exams.
For art students, top colleges offering BBA/BMS/BA keeps cut-off off rate from 80%-98%.
Many students seek an MBA course after clearing their graduation through autonomous entrance exams like CAT or XAT. However, marksheet of 12th standard is also required to evaluate the candidate eligibility which is also one of the criteria among the list to choose the right candidate.
Many Institute providing competitive exams training and coaching offers hefty discounts to the students who have achieved very good marks in the 12th standard examination.
The top rankers of 12th standard examination also avail, the concession and scholarship plans offered by the government of India to accolade such sincere and dedicated students.
It is important for the student to understand the importance of the 12th standard examinations and it results, and accordingly devote their dedication and sincerity to clear this exam with good result.
We also want the student to understand that even the CBSE board has its advantages over other boards, because of the reasons that have been listed below:
CBSE curriculum is similar to most of the competitive exams like JEE, NEET, etc. Hence, it lays down a strong foundation among students preparing for such competitive exams.
As compared to the other state boards CBSE syllabus is more student-friendly and flexible which make it popular among students.The board of CBSE has structured the course in such a way that it encourages the overall development of the students.
CBSE board is recognized throughout India, hence is widely accessible in all states. Parents having a transferable job, prefer to enroll their kids with CBSE board.
Table of Contents
How Does CBSE 12th Answer Sheet Gets Evaluated?
To encourage healthy competition and discourage individual insecurity CBSE has introduced CGPA grading system which works on Grading slab model.

CBSE CGPA Grading Slab:
Grade | Marks Range |
A – 1 | 91 to 100 |
A – 2 | 81 to 90 |
B – 1 | 71 to 80 |
B – 2 | 61 to 70 |
C – 1 | 51 to 60 |
C – 2 | 41 to 50 |
D | 33 to 40 |
E – 1 | 21 to 32 |
E – 2 | 00 to 20 |
What is CGPA?
Cumulative Grade Points Average is the average marks of five main subject excluding the additional subject. They are different from the percentage scored. The percentage can be obtained by multiplying the CGPA with 9.5.
Now Let’s Analyze 2018 CBSE 12th result:
Last year the CBSE 12th std exams were held from 5th April to 13th April and the result was declared on 26th May 2018.
The result has shown improvement as compared to 2017 result and girls, as usual, have been the out performers.
The total number of students and exams centers in India are 16.38 lakh students appeared for 2018 12th std exams for CBSE board from 4453 centers spread across the nation.
There has been an increase of 1.01 percentage in Overall pass percentage in 2018 from previous year stating it at 83.01%.
Thiruvananthapuram is again the top city which has the highest pass percentage at 97.32 percent, following is Chennai with 93.87% percent and Delhi with 89%, making it a routine pattern for the last 2 years.
Girls outperformed boys with 9.3% with 88.31% girls passing the exams as against only 78.99 percent of the boys.
In 2018, 12,737 students managed to score more than 95% and 72,599 students scored more than 90%, leaving all the apprehension behind.
2019 CBSE 12th Std Fact File:
Number of students appeared for the exam: 11,86,306
Total number of centers in India: 4138 centres
Total number of centres outside India: 71 centers
Important Notice for CBSE 12th Result 2019
Any student willing to comment or give feedback on the question paper can now do it from the newly started services like observation system, which will convey the message to CBSE and the matter will be then taken into consideration.
From 2018, special concessions and considerations have been done for special students, in their attendance, and use of a computer to finish the exams.
The Exams are now held on a global platform making it accessible even outside India.
A Quick View of the Last 5 Years Result:
Year | No. of students appeared | Girl’s Pass Percentage(%) | Boy’s Pass Percentage(%) | Overall Pass Percentage(%) |
2018 | 1186000 | 88.31 | 78.99 | 83.33 |
2017 | 1098891 | 87.50 | 78.82 | 83.16 |
2016 | 1065179 | 88.58 | 78.85 | 83.05 |
2015 | 1040368 | 87.56 | 77.77 | 82.00 |
2014 | 1028928 | 88.52 | 78.27 | 82.66 |
Result Analysis of CBSE 12th Result 2018:
The pass percentage this year is 83.01% (nearly 1 percentage point increase than 2017’s 82.02%). Girls, as usual, are a better performer than boys with a gap of around 10 % in the pass percentage from the last 5 years.
Even in 2018, a super girl scored unbelievable 499 marks out of 500 from Trivandrum, with humanities as an optional by another girl power Anoushka Chandra who scored 498 marks having humanities as her choice and hailing from Chennai.the third position was shared among 7 students who managed to score 497 marks out of total 500 marks. In 2018, 72,599 candidates scored 90% and above marks, while 12,737 students have scored 95% and above.
Our interpretation:
We can see there is a drop in pass percentage in every alternate year and we are afraid that this year might see a drop in the result. The girls will again be a better performer than boys. With the new CBSE Grace Marks/Moderation Policy 2019, where CBSE has withdrawn the leniency over the lengthy or hard paper by arranging few additional grace marks to the students, might make the evaluation process a bit strict.
How to Check CBSE 12th Result 2019
Follow the easy steps to check CBSE Class 12 Result 2019:
Open CBSE website on your computer, and click on the icon for class 12th result.
Complete the process by filling login details from admit card and submit it rerouting to your result page.
If your details are satisfactory, the next page to pop up will have your result, else it will ask you to submit your details again. After receiving your result you should download the pdf format file and can print it later.
CBSE has also developed UMANG app which can be used to check your CBSE 12th result 2019.
The other option to view the CBSE 12th result 2019 are:
IVR: Students can make a call to 011-2430099, and receive their results on the phone.
SMS: Students can also register for SMS services by sending details like Send class <r.no> <school no.> <centre no.> correctly to +917738299899.
DigiLocker: An automated digital locker that will secure all your marksheet for a lifetime, can be accessed through login id and details provided by CBSE.
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What you should do after checking Your CBSE Results 2019
If you are not satisfied with your marks then you can ask for verification, by demanding your answer sheet on cbse.nic.in and submitting Rs 500 as the fee online.
If you are satisfied with your results, you should take a print out of the pdf format saved, and can use it to apply in the colleges or institutes, you wish to apply for your further studies.
The printout is a provisional solution, it is important to take the original copy of their result from their school.
Hope this article is helpful in analyzing CBSE 12th result 2019 and accordingly being rational in choosing your path for the future.
We wish you all the best for future. Keep yourself healthy and attentive…:)