7 Realistic Resolutions for Professional Writers in 2018
Tips To Become A Professional Writer

Keeping up with being professional writer is not that easy. You will encounter a lot of problems like having writer’s block which is quite common and procrastination. Every year, there should always be a resolution to improve the writing skills and the career attitude as well. These resolutions will be your reminder for the whole year to try new skills and experiment on writing.
A writer should always try to improve his/her writing life that can lead to other improvement in other areas of like. One can gain confidence or even success on little things. Anyway, read the following resolutions that a writer should apply on his/her writing career.
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Tips To Become A Professional Writer:
1.Complete and submit the project
So whether you are working on a novel, a piece of historical essay, poetry or a controversial article, complete the work. Sure, there are a lot of things that can hinder your goal to finish it and frustrations along the way but these are not excuses not to finish your work. A finished work is the only thing you can have for publication. So, after completing the project, you should now submit your work for publication. This is how you’re going to track your progress whether you are rejected or accepted.
2. One should try new things
If you’re writing a lot of blog posts for a couple of months, maybe you should try to write an essay for a change. An essay that you can submit on magazine publication. Or if you’re a student, submit it to the school publication. This is just a matter of doing new things or leveling up on what you can do.
3. Always believe that you’re a writer
If you write regularly, then you are considered as a writer. Do not be afraid to call yourself a writer. Claim it and you will have it.
4. Exercise
This one is included too, mind you. As we all know, writers spend too much time on sitting and slouching. And that’s actually what you call work along with surfing the web. When one sit all day long, blood won’t circulate properly and can lead to some stress and laziness.
5. Prioritize your writing
Always find a time to write. Because it will really help you to analyze and enhance what you’ve got as a writer. You may not see it quickly, but definitely, you’re improving each time you write.
6. Do more reading session
You know what they say? A good writer is a good reader. Read a lot. Anything goes. Be it an article on the web, a history book, your least favorite book. Just read and it will help you along the way. Here are the essential devices for successful learning in 2018.
7. Back-Up your files
This is a protocol, you know. Always, have a two or three (or more if you want) copies of your work. Surely, you do not want to rewrite your finished novella overnight just in time of submitting it the next day. So, keep in mind that you must always back-up your files.
These are just realistic goals to live by for another year as a professional writer. You may add more as long as it can work for you. So, what’s your writing goal this year?