6 Tools You Should Have When Making a Recipe Video

The products of advanced technology continue to improve the quality of living of people. From appliances to state of the art gadgets, it saves you the time, effort, and energy. People these days are up for something quick and easy especially when it comes to cooking. Since everything can be searched on the internet, cooking is made easy with step by step process on what to do.
If you are inspired to have your own cooking vlogs all over social media, you have to be equipped with the right gear. Be the person people will seek for cooking inspiration. Are you starting a cooking career on YouTube? You are just in time. To give you an idea, here are 6 of the most important tools in making a recipe video.
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The most 6 important tools in making a recipe video.
High-quality Camera
Most people prefer a high-quality camera than smartphones for video recording. Not just for the clearer audio but the high-resolution videos it produces. There are different types of cameras in the market to choose from depending on how well-acquainted you are with cameras. Some are easy to control while some seem like rocket science. Your high-quality camera will allow you to record clearly and efficiently.
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If you want to use smartphones for video recording, make sure adjust the resolution for a more satisfying result. Cameras of smartphones these days are as great as high-quality cameras varying in specifications. Use the gadget you feel comfortable using. If you are more familiar with controlling a camera, then use a camera. If you are more into direct recording, settle for a smartphone camera.
Additional Memory
When it comes to recordings, let’s face the fact that recipe videos are longer and bigger in storage. What we suggest is for you to equip yourself with an additional memory card for your camera or smartphone. This way, you will be able to shoot the video continuously not worrying about how much memory you have left. You can shoot no matter how long the video is. Besides, you have back-up storage to use just in case it’s full.
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Stabilizers are commonly used for state of the art cameras in the market. When you want to play with different angles and movements, a stabilizer is what you need. It avoids shaky video recordings. No matter how much you move, the camera remains focused on the subject. This is mostly used by cooking vloggers who talk more while they cook. They get to maximize movements and shoot from different views.
Apart from the stabilizer, you should also be equipped with a tripod. If you are a solo vlogger who doesn’t have a cameraman, this is what we highly suggest. You can play with different angles, yes, but there is no movement allowed since the camera is attached directly to the tripod. Try different views and settle with the one that works for you. Most cooking vloggers use top view since they don’t see the camera and they can work efficiently with no distractions.
Lighting Equipment
When it comes to cooking recipe videos, ambient lighting is highly suggested. People find it very natural and vibrant. It gives the cooking atmosphere a natural but homey look. You can shoot during the golden hour for a more appetizing look for your meal. If you don’t have much access to ambient lighting, what we suggest is for you to set up one to two lights with average vibrancy. This will not make the video too dark or too bright. Just the right amount of lighting.

Editing Softwares
To improve your recipe videos, use different tips and tricks for video editing. It makes cooking more interesting and less boring. If you are not much of a talker, you can just insert music in the background to give you better cooking experience. For some who are more into talking while cooking, you can insert subtitles for better understanding of the meal that you are trying to make. Play with different transitions and effects to spice up your recipe video.
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Apart from the camera, you should also have a tablet on the side. For a clearer guide on the meal you’re trying to make, you can scan instructions on the tablet to make sure you don’t miss anything. To make it more efficient, you can use a tablet stand to make it easy for you to multi-task. The tablet doesn’t necessarily have to be seen on the screen. It will just serve as your guide on what you have to do next throughout the video shoot.
Tablets are suggested because it has a larger screen than cellphones. You get to have a clear view of what you are trying to do. Make sure that you kept notes of your most special recipes on the tab to make cooking easier for you and your viewers.
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When it comes to cooking, not everyone is a pro. What better way to enjoy your hobby by sharing it to other people? Give them the joy of cooking by making it look enjoyable and worth the while. Different recipe videos are all over the internet no matter what occasion it is. But what makes your videos unique is the authenticity of the recipes you have come up with. These 6 tools will make your cooking video career more interesting bringing up the number of viewers.