How to Use Automation to Keep a Tight Sales Pipeline

A sales pipeline gives an idea of the potentiality of the completion of sales. It also indicates where one stands in the sales process. In order to ensure a good sales pipeline which positively contributes to the company, right use of technology can do wonders.
Right sales CRM execution backed by strong marketing approach can bring in effective sales. Different sales representatives have different approach to close a deal. They may feel spending more time can ensure closing of sales. But in reality, it actually depends on the time spent on each stage before a deal is finalized.
Having knowledge of what is in the pipeline is most important. Taking into consideration the relevant metrics a lot can happen. Optimizing the pipeline from time to time can ensure its productivity gets maintained.
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Effective use of automation can help the sales pipeline stay on track or keep it tight. The five stages in automation are the following:
Table of Contents
Effective use of automation can help the sales pipeline:
Identify time spent on deals:
Once you know what is there in the pipeline, what deals are going on. You should figure out how much time you can assign on each stages of the deal. You can use a software to assign a sales rep and get reminders to the agent to make the call. A constant follow-up is also done to assign stages of the sales process.
Whenever a lead is available, the sales agent tries his best to get them interested. But understanding how much time to spend on the persuasion depends on not just the judgement of the representatives.
There are metrics or markers which can help the agent better comprehend the situation of the customers. With that knowledge and help of automation, the agent gets allotted time to be spent at stages of the deal by the system.
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To make the call:
Once you get a lead, the most important task becomes following the lead. Convincing the lead to get time-out to talk to your agent is no easy task. Finding out a convenient time for your lead to talk is the right approach. Calling at a time when the customer is most receptive is very important.
After enquiring a good time to talk, timers are set and automated reminders help the agent to actually make the call. Every bit of available information and preparation is done by the agent with the help of automated tools by the agent. Thus, they can make a successful call.
Customer engagement can happen through a series of conversations. Depending on your business need, the agent can decide how many calls or what ways can he engage the customer with. Arousing customer’s interest and holding on to it the most important aspect of this stage. An automated service renders the agent empowered.
The agent knows the interest of the customer and can use it to modify or customize the product as required by the customer. It helps greatly in the communication amongst the agent and the customer.
As the agent already with help of automation aware of what level of engagement the customer is in and also the possible outcome of the deal in maintaining, the agent can use his discretion and give direction to the conversation.
Evaluating the lead:
The lead is then assessed by the agent to understand if they have the actual ability or interest to follow through the purchase. A lot many factors goes into this assessment. An automated system can help the agent keep up with the lead.
After the first call or first few calls or even during the call, the automated tools can successfully guide the agent into understanding whether or not it is possible to close the deal successfully. The entire conversation, the stages are brought down to relevant metrics and assessed by the automated tools to help the agent proceed further.
Depending on the wishes of the customer the sales can happen or might not. So, a closing might be a win or a fail. Depending on the scenario automated advices are available.
But generally closing means the end of a deal. If the deal is a success or a win then though the deal closes there, but follow-ups are also set by the automated system. Use-case scenarios are also drawn by the automation technology to ensure successful performance on similar deals.
In case the deal fails or is a loss, then the automation system helps identify the triggers or the failure of the touch points. With the right technology valuable lessons are learnt through deals that do not see immediate success. Based on the reason of failure of the deal, the automation tool guides the agent to make the further call of whether or not to proceed with any kind of follow-ups on the lead.
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Right use of technology can boost sales CRM significantly. Automation is the edge that gives the sales pipeline that extra advantage to ensure more and more successful sales pipeline dealing.
Organizations should not only place great automated tolls to help sales but also invest into training there agents into effectively using automation tools to make an impact over sales.